Frequently Asked Questions

How much notice do you require?

For wedding cakes, it's recommended that you get in touch as soon as possible to secure your date. Due to our small size, we can only accept a limited amount of wedding orders each week.

For smaller custom cakes, we typically require 2 weeks' notice to ensure we have enough time to order special tools that may be required for your theme. Please reach out if you need something sooner, and we'll do our best to make it work!

Do you deliver?

Yes, we deliver anywhere with the San Francisco Bay Area. Delivery pricing is based on distance from our Oakland kitchen and starts at $25.

Can I pick up my cake?

Yes, for smaller cakes (2-tiers and under). You can pick up your cake from our Oakland kitchen during designated pick-up hours. An exact address will be provided on your invoice.

Delivery is required for cakes that are three-tiers and above. Due to the size and weight of these larger cakes, they require special handling and may need to be assembled on site.

Can I change or cancel my cake order?

For Custom Cakes:

You can modify your order up to 5 days prior to your event. Add-ons and increased serving sizes are subject to availability. We will provide an updated invoice for any differences that will be due on receipt to confirm your changes.

You can cancel your order for a full refund up to 5 days prior to your event. We will provide a 50% refund for any cancellations received with less than 5 days notice.

For Quick Cakes: 

You can cancel your Quick Cake order within 24 hours of placing your order for a full refund. Due to our limited turnaround time for Quick Cakes, we cannot provide refunds after 24 hours of your order confirmation.

To cancel or modify your order, contact us HERE.

Can you accommodate dietary requirements?

We offer vegan cakes in addition to our standard cake recipes. Our standard cake recipes include wheat, eggs, and dairy. Our vegan recipes use flaxmeal, oat milk, and Earth Balance® Vegan Buttery Sticks in place of eggs, dairy milk, and butter.

We do not offer any gluten-free options at this moment, but we're working on it!

Please note that all cakes are made in the same kitchen where nuts, gluten and dairy are present.